On purpose
Welcome to Royal Key Cosmetics! Here you will find the best cosmetic products to treat your skin and take care of you. Quality first of all!
If you are looking for a line of cosmetics to treat your acne that you have had for years, or a line to lighten your spots, to have glowing skin, you are in the right place.

Who we are
The founder, Dr. Rolande Tangmo, who has always been passionate about skincare and beauty, and already making her "Home Made" Skincare formulations, began her journey in 2017, enrolling in the Chemistry course at the University of Bologna, where she then graduated.
This path was followed by a year of internship in the pharmacy and cosmetic laboratories of her faculty, where, being close to the professors, for the formulations during laboratory tests, she felt her need to move from a "Home Made" formulation to " Laboratory Made", thus respecting the quality control of the products used, and above all the needs of the cosmetic market.
Royal Key Cosmetics was therefore born in 2021, and is formulated in a 100% Italian laboratory, where the machinery used is innovative, the technology is advanced, and where we use a series of natural plants to make our cosmetics. The products are tested and proven to be effective and safe for your skin, always with the satisfaction of our growing customers in mind.

Our vision
Our responsibility is to help you regain confidence in yourself, taking care of your skin without attacking it, and removing all its impurities, thanks to our Anti-acne and Anti-spot lines, which can be used by both sexes .
With Royal Key Cosmetics the health of your skin is our priority